Friday, 6 September 2013

MRI Pelvis, second and final?

Letter! Fantastic. Second MRI booked, this time they will be getting up close and personal with my uterus and uber kidney. Last MRI of bowel was inconclusive so this plus HSG will result in diagnosis and plan of attack, hopefully the specialist will see me now.

MRI Pelvis prep includes no eating and drinking 4 hours prior, a IV med to suppress bowel spasms (Buscopan) and an IV contrast dye called Gadolinium which highlights different tissue and blood vessels and aids diagnosis. That one gets flushed out by the kidneys so must check how uber kidney will cope with that, ill put it on the many consent forms I'm about to fill out.

Progress! Feeling great that things are happening, will call ChCh Women's Outpatients tomorrow as I'm curious once this test is complete how long ill have to wait again to see GYN.

Will update again once I get the results and pics, maybe its time to start an album? Lol.