My personal blog of my unexpected life, how I deal with infertility, ongoing medical diagnoses, chronic pain and living with childlessness not by choice.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Second opinion maybe?
Monday, 21 July 2014
Good things come to those who wait
My nurse came and grabbed DH and I and put us in a consulting room and said "Dr will be in to see you". In came my registrar? Hmmm, he must be busy...again. As its an acute hospital that is fair enough but 10 mins is all I needed!
She started by saying "has anyone actually told you what we found on the last lot of scans?". I said that Pip the radiologist and Penny my sonographer had explained to me quite a bit during the scan and the rest I read up on (such a medicine geek).
Finally talked a bit about my periods as I had a pretty non-existent one this month but we all agreed that was probably the Clomiphene, we did a pregnancy test just in case however that would have been a miracle child for sure if positive as only one day of BMS during fertile days and right ovary ovulating into the middle of nowhere that month.
So gist of it is my registrar still won't tell me if its Uterus Didelphys or Bicornuate Bicollis, she is just going by what the radiology report says, which is Bicornuate Bicollis, I'm still not convinced. They say my right cervix and right uterus are non-communicating so they are pretty sure the fluid is not leaking through to my left uterus as this could be causing issues with embryo implantation, not sure they are going to confirm that either as no referral for High Resolution MRI as previously recommended in earlier radiology report. They are pretty certain that my Left uterus is working nicely and could contain a pregnancy (with its own set of complications of course). No mention what-so-ever of my possible pelvic kidney, I'm sure if it was a worry they would have mentioned it.
Useless Right Uterus will be staying put..Right Ovary might have to come out, along with the fallopian tube that is attached. This would significantly reduce my egg count, so they are waiting for the Day 3 bloods I did on Saturday to come back to look at my egg-store number. They are concerned once they pump me full of drugs and they want all follicles firing that it may cause issues due to its location as they can get quite big in size, in the pelvis they have extra room to growm, also as they harvest eggs via the vagina (which they will do with my left) they are not comfortable harvesting them via my back, if they go through with the needle they could puncture an organ or do some damage so they are talking to Fertility Associates. If they are not keen either it will be coming out, so surgery would have to be done well before IVF.
So, what next? I have a GP appt on Thursday to talk all this over with her and find out what I need to do in meantime in regards to the possible pelvic kidney and the fact that might be causing the pain in my right hip. I'm back on the Clomiphene next month (for the next 5 or so months) as they are confident that 9-12 cycles should still keep my ovarian cancer free, hope they are right as thats the last thing I need really. Certainly going to do it anyway as still a chance if we catch the left ovary firing that it could work. Anything's worth a go really at this point. I still have a few phone calls and emails to send to get to the bottom of this backdating/IVF time frame so I'll post when I know more.
Feeling less patient now but glad we have some movement. Baby steps. I couldn't do all of this without my darling husband. Even though he must be getting really frustrated and disheartened he still remains my rock.
We just need to remember ...
Friday, 18 July 2014
Back to the Assisted Conception Clinic
Ovulation induction .
History of left unicornuate uterus and solitary left kidney .
Transabdominal and transvaginal scans were performed.
Correlation is made with previous ultrasounds and MRI pelvis
17/9/2013 .
Uterus: The left uterine horn and cervix is identified, as seen on
previous imaging . It has endometrial thickness 16 mm .
Today, it is also apparent that there is an atretic right uterine
horn. This is confirmed on retrospective review of the MRI from
17/9/2013. The right horn has a small cervix which does not appear to
be in communication with the vagina or left cervical canal and is
most likely stenosed . Distal to this there is a tortuous tubular
structure extending towards the right inferolateral pelvic sidewall
which measures up to 6 mm in diameter consistent with dilated uterine
cavity/fallopian tube . Tubular content is anechoic on ultrasound
consistent with fluid, and high signal on the T1 MRI sequence
consistent with blood products .
Left ovary: normal appearance and size, normal location.
26 x 15 x 33 mm, volume 6.7 mL.
There are 19 small follicles measuring up to 7 mm in diameter . No
dominant follicle .
Today, after review of the MRI scan, we scanned her right upper
quadrant where we discovered the right ovary in the right lower
abdomen, just below the lower liver margin . It measures 56 x 26 x 29
mm, volume 22 mls, and contains a dominant 25 mm follicle, a further
follicle measuring 21 mm and several small follicles .
Laterally in the right adnexa, adjacent to the pelvic vessels, there
is again an ovoid solid lesion which measures 33 x 9 x 21 mm . It
does not contain any definite follicles . This was previously thought
to be ovarian tissue but given that there is definitely right ovary
in the right abdomen lower quadrant, I wonder whether this is a
pelvic right kidney .
Normally located left ovary contains 19 small follicles .
Today we have discovered several new findings in this patient which
are confirmed on retrospective review of the MRI scan . The uterus is
in fact bicornuate, bicollis, with an atretic right horn, likely
stenosed at the level of the cervix .
In addition, she has a right ovary which is located in the right
lower quadrant of the abdomen, and contains a dominant 25 mm follicle
. On MRI there is a tortous tubular structure extending inferiorly
from the right ovary ? fallopian tube.
Previously right adnexal tissue has been identified and this is again
seen and I wonder whether it may be a small non-functioning pelvic
right kidney .