Plan we put in place was to let July cycle run its course after i had two periods in June to see if it straightened itself out, turns out we were all ill prepared for a July start anyway, she was going on leave, i had major project lanuches at work,family drama and something was telling me we just needed more time. So we decided to start me on the pill my August cycle. Easier said than done. It started slow so my nurse and I had trouble determining CD1. We did a blood test to check my levels as this month it was non-existent again, same thing happened last month, i blame it on the IVF meds. Finally we decided to just take it anyway so yesterday was my last pill, i have been taking it for just on a week.
Tomorrow I pick up my meds, my clinic yas changed from Puregon to Gonal F so will be on 175iu again this time seen i overstimmed on my first cycle. Friday will be a blood test to check the pill is outta my system and Saturday I start my meds! Its finally happening again, i dont feel as prepared as i hoped to be but you know what, life happens. Im not getting onto this homeopath, acupuncture, no sugar bandwagon. Im just hoing to eat healthy, exercise where I can and try to get to bed earlier. If its gonna work its gonna work. Im not going to look back if it doesnt and point out all the reasons why it didnt work. We cant do that to ourselves. We will move on. We have to, got no other choice.
So! Next update will be quick updates from my appts over next few days then IMSI cycle #1 ( IVF cycle #3).