Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Lots of puzzle pieces!

I feel like I haven't posted in ages and this will be one of those posts that I will edit about 100 times as I forget where I left off and have so much to write about.

I think my last post I talked about the discovery via a Lumbar Xray of my Spondylolysis and Spondylosisthesis. Well.. lots of reading has been done since then you can just imagine! Dr Google been at it again. End of November 2016 I finally saw the Spinal Surgeon who agreed you don't have pain for no reason, everyone deserves a diagnosis before treatment is given. That is the first time I feel like I have been taken seriously, he didn't just talk, he listened, then referred me for my Lumber MRI. FINALLY! it was right on Xmas so I didn't go in straight away and it was nice to just have a break from appts actually over that time, got stuck into some spring cleaning and time with hubby for a week off work then headed in for MRI my first week back to the 'real world'.

I was a breeze this time, being my 3rd one it was actually quite relaxing! they gave me a blanket even, it was an 8am scan and before my morning coffee so nearly nodded off again. I was asked at the end of it if I would be seeing someone about the results and I said a month away, I then started to feel a bit nervous about why she was asking. Thoughts in back of head for past few weeks were hope there is nothing growing in there that shouldn't be as the pain seems to be getting worse not better... paracetamol x4 daily is helping (when i take it) but knowing its not good for my kidney I only take it when I feel like I really need it. Stupid I know but im pretty good with pain. Sciatic pain is not fun however and I really feel for those that suffer badly with it.

Now, you probably know me well enough now to know I wasn't going to sit around waiting for those results so I emailed the GP's office about a week or so later and asked for the results to be sent through. Hmm not sure that was a good idea! Not only do I have a misalignment of vertebra, its noted that I also have one bulging and vertically herniated disc at L1 and also a bulging disc and annular tear possibly at L5/S1. Not sure at this stage what that means for me as both a mild, but could explain a lot, seems no nerves are looking compressed but the disc nerves may be the issue? Yup, again if I was going to do it, I will do it properly! I now have to only wait one more week to see the Surgeon and see what he has to say. At this stage surgery not likely I don't think but looking forward to some kind of plan, physio, brace, meds (just no NSAIDS) you name it ill try it once! So will have more information and stop make my own diagnosis. I had picked up on the report that my kidney was Atrophied which isn't good, it means that parts of my only kidney were starting to die away.. so I emailed the nurse and asked for that to be queried with my GP, surely that isnt good and why did we not know about that already? Turns out the Radiologist has misinterpreted the clinical coding and that was actually meant to say Hypertrophied.. we already knew that so was a sigh of relief there thats for sure. Always read your results and always be your own advocate!

Today I also went to see a Pelvic Floor Physio, referred to by my bowel surgeon. That was a great appointment! We spent an hour just making notes on the file and having a quick exam and the good news is its better than we thought! No surgery needed at this stage there either, my pelvic floor is short (which isn't normal) but consistent with my long history of IBS and Bladder problems, there are a few muscular issues that need to be worked out and a Bladder Diary to be done but other than that I think the appointment went great, I did get the 'omg you really are a interesting case' look... but Im well used to that now. Looking forward to seeing her again at end of this month, we want to wait and see what the outcomes are from the Spinal Surgeon appt, as my 'anatomy' is my number one contributor to a lot of these issues. 

Still finding the silver lining and dancing in the rain, will update again soon.