Monday 15 July 2019

The unknown

Today was surgery consent day and marks the countdown to my second Laparoscopy surgery. Will be 5 years to the day since I prepared for my last one. Spooky. This one will be different tho as we will possibly be saying goodbye to parts of me that make me that little bit unique, parts that zigged instead of zagged, parts of me that to my knowledge haven't done anything to hurt me, but now it's time. Time while I'm healthy, time now we've closed the IVF chapter. I don't know how I feel right now, little bit excited for another opinion, little bit scared because DH is, fearful of the unknown outcomes? My GP is confident we are making the right call and I just need to trust in that.

My full surgery is a bit of a mouthful... Diagnostic Laparoscopy with excision of Endometriosis with possible removal of Right Ectopic Ovary, with possible removal of Right Hydrosalpinx, and a Cystoscopy.

Long and the short of it is until my OB/GYN gets in there for a look we wont know what's going to stay and what's going. I have opted out of having a Jaydess placed as think I will have enough of a recovery without it to be honest and once we know what my Endo is up to we can make informed decisions from there.

I look forward to finding out the results, especially if she can access and confirm the adnexal mass on my right side as that is what is troubling me the most to be honest. Nobody likes a solid ovoid mass living inside them not knowing its origin or name?

Time will only tell. I just need to keep healthy and focused for another 35 days!

More updates to come, prior approval received. Paperwork underway... it's happening!