Friday 22 August 2014

Finally on the waiting list!

We got finally got mail from Fertility Associates. The letter was sent the same day as my surgery, how weird is that. 

CPAC score done, its above the threshold, we are on the waiting list!! Woooo! Finally after a year since our specialist 'forgot' to send the letter. Date entered 1/07/13, the base call up wait is 10 months from waiting list entry date, so it might happen pretty soon!

Also enclosed was a letter for our first publically funded First Specialist Assessment. Monday 8/09/14. With my Registrar from Christchurch Womens, handy she works at Fertility Centre too. That will be the week following my check up with my OB/GYN at Forte on Tuesday 2.09.14 to go over results of the surgery. Couldn't be more perfect timing really, we can share the results with them and have pics of my anatomy and that dicky right ovary behind my liver, thats whats going to cause us all the grief, esp with IVF. This will be also before next cycle of Clomiphene with A.C.C starts too so can make some decisions about that too.

Next update will be a biggy!

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