Monday 13 October 2014

TTC - Clomiphene Cycle #4 - Sep 14

First cycle back after a couple of months off and it was terrible! My cycle arrived right on top of a nasty virus, I had just started to feel better by the Saturday (CD3) and meds began. Still on 25 mg, not long till the mood swings, temp spikes and the nausea kicked in. I had mostlyrecovered by the time i went for my CD10 bloods which i did on CD9 as hospital had to check them being a Friday. I went before work and phoned hospital when i hadnt heard by 3pm. It turns out my Estradiol was only in the 400s. It should be in the 600s for them to book a scan. So we decided i should go for a retest on Saturday which I did. Hospital phoned Monday and my levels had dropped to the 300s so cycle therefore cycle void. Strange! Was it the op? Was it the virus? Was it the 2 month break? None of us really know. All I know is that I havent felt well for the rest of the month so hoping that improves before next cycle.

OB/GYN has decided to bump up my meds to 50 mg for next cycle (October) so watch this space!

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