Friday, 21 June 2019

Mortality & Morbidity meeting

It had been some time since i posted last, that is really because i didn't have much to say other than the same old, same old. 

Recently I booked in my final fertility appointment to close that chapter for good with my OB/GYN and I wasn't quite sure how it would go, how I would feel and what the outcome looked like. It was meant to be sad? I was meant to be devastated and heartbroken? No, it felt right. It felt like my DH and I spent 2 years finding our feet, looking at what our future would look like and how we felt in our hearts. Its ok for us to be childless. 

So the visit to clinic was to talk about the 'what next'. There are specific anatomical issues that we have put off looking into, its been 5 years since they excised my Endo and since then I had x3 IVF cycles and over stimulated on each one so there has to have been some significant growth since then? Its hard when it comes to looking at the list of symptoms for Endo when it comes to me as I have chronic pain anyway, on any given day it could be spent too long on my feet, too long sitting down, ate the wrong thing, slept in the wrong position or lifted something to heavy. There is only one way to check and that is Laprascopically... again. We talked about this time looking into the contradictory scans and ultrasounds ive had over the years, specifically the one my GYN did recently that said unlikely for my right ovary to be ectopic (finally a diagnosis for that thanks to my extensive research) and focused solely on my 'adnexal mass'. 

So what is it? Adnexal mass, we know it has its own blood supply? From what i had read it cant be an ectopic kidney (kidney in the wrong place), its not an ovary as you cant have 3 of those... if you read the link above it can be all kinds of things, possibly even a tumor but you would think it would of killed me by now if it was malignant. All i know is that one of my MRI's from 2014 called it an ovoid solid mass which isnt necessarily a good thing. My previous GYN didnt want to go there during my last surgery, he ran out of time i think as my endo severley infultrated my ureter and took some time to deal with that. He did however take some spectacular photos of my streak ectopic ovary and lucky he gave me photos as then proceeded to lose them so I was able to scan and send a copy to my GYN just the other week. She thinks she might be able to take it out, depends on how it is attached however. 

So the long and the short of it is I meet with her next month to discuss and consent to my next Diagnostic Laparoscopy with possible Endo excision, possible removal of what is believed to be a Hydrosalpinx in my retro-peritoneal cavity and the possible removal of the streak ovary sitting up by my liver. There will potentially be a urologist on call incase my ureter is comprised. Nah not nervous at all?? Gulp....

Never did I anticipate being the subject of discussion among highly skilled specialists, researching my rare anatomy in their Mortality and Morbidity meeting. It had ended up being quite a complicated situation now with the emphasis put back on me to decide between a permanent IUD device and high risk surgery. I had a really good appointment with my GP about it recently and she agreed we were taking the right  course of action. 

So the countdown is on. I should have more updates in a few weeks time. 

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