I've spent the last month or so waiting to see a Gastroenterologist for his once a month clinic. He reported on my breath tests which he met with me about this week.
So it wasn't SIBO in the end. I'm feeling pretty thankful about that but he has confirmed that I do in fact have Intestinal Methanogean Overgrowth.
My results also showed that I malabsorb Fructose. This has been the biggest shock as all this time I thought it was intolerance not malabsorption. Turns out im also not intolerant to Lactose, which is hilarious to me, that this whole time fruit and vegetables have been the enemy! Going vegan was the worst thing I could have done as all that coconut was doing me in. Pretty annoyed as the list of Fodmap, low acid and low fructose is getting smaller by the minute. The elemental drinks might be here to stay and replacing a few more meals once I see the dietitian again.
The Gastroenterologist was concerned regarding my low weight. What? Hang on a minute! I've gained 6 kgs since I finished my breath testing. 45kgs was low... this is normal. I will have to watch that I don't shed too much now I have the energy to do a bit more exercise and housework. Now that spring is here and my garden is needing me Im definitely burning more calories than Im consuming, its a constant balancing act. Im just thankful that Im finding out now as I could of battled on for a while not knowing.
Outcomes of meeting? We talked about slow transit causing the IMO or IMO causing the slow transit? So he has referred me for a Colonic Transit Test. This is thus far the most interesting test so far! I have to swallow little bits of metal that will show up on an xray later on. He is positive the test will come back normal as most of his EDS patients have normal tests, there is very few that come back with Gastroparesis or Slow Transit confirmed. These are both rare and mine seems to be more of hopefully a curable IBS-C than a Functional Constipation. He also ordered a small bowel MRI as my anatomy is somewhat complicated, so ruling out there is any obstruction there too. Once we know for sure I can decide if I take the $1k worth of IMO antibiotics (56 over a 14 day period), a combination of Rifaximin and Neomycin.
I've pretty much searched every possible corner of the net and looked for books on how to improve my diet from here and its not looking good. It's just a waiting game now. Update to come with MRI results.
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