Wednesday 7 August 2013

Dr Libby Weaver Seminar

I had the pleasure of listening to a very well educated, positive, happy, healthy and empathetic woman tonight at a seminar I took my Mum and sister too thinking they would get more out of it than I would. 

I was very wrong and it just reinforced decisions I have made and am continuing to make. She has reminded me that my health and happiness should be my main focus as I face what the next years of my life have in store for me. Few books of hers to read to get the most out of her message, but will remember the W of her A-Z on Womens Health tonight.. "why do we do what we do when we know what we know"... This is going to help me make better choices tomorrow, then the day after that, it will all be about baby steps, in the hopes we will one day hear some in our home. 

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