16.08.13 - "X-ray Day"
Today was my Hysterosalpingogram (HSG). This was it, the X-ray that would tell all, even though I would finally know for sure this was also the test I was dreading however it sounded a whole lot worse than it actually was.
The day started with a phone call while I was getting ready, it was Cashmere Radiology ringing to advise they had a roster change so there would not be a woman available to do the procedure till the afternoon. I advised her that I was fine with a man and confirmed I would see them at 11.00am, DH looked a bit uncomfortable with that till I reminded him my surgeon would be a man also. DH was coming in with me for the procedure so that made him feel a bit better haha.
I took the whole day off work as they had advised there may be dye leakage, bleeding and abdominal cramping afterwards and was not keen to be at work for that, so DH took a half day too. He went to his lecture, got me a coffee from my fav cafe on way home to pick me up. I wanted to get there early, I like to be early to all my appointments, you feel alot calmer and prepared when you're not rushing around. They had a fantastic selection of mags, so chilled for 20 mins before they called me.
I was taken through to a room to get changed into my robe where she explained the procedure so I just nodded and smiled as I had done alot of reading up and was fully prepared, so no questions from me, apart from "do i need to take out my belly piercing?" lol.
Righto - it was go time, the moment we have all been waiting for! She took me through to the room with the giant Xray machine where DH and I waiting to meet the gentleman that would be doing my procedure. He immediately cracked a joke so that made me feel really comfortable.
Up onto the X-ray table I went, the actual inserting of the speculum and catheter was no worse than a smear test, im not going to say it didnt hurt but i was surprised how little it actually did. Within seconds the dye was injected and he slid me up under the machine, he took one of me on my back, one on my left hand side and one on my right hand side and we were done. Couldnt believe how quick it was. He then slid over the telly and DH was ushered over to me to see the screen.
IT'S OFFICIAL ... I am 1 in 4000 born with a Unicornuate Uterus and I have just the one fallapion tube ... but its OPEN which means its not blocked... seeing the dye through the tube and spilling out into my abdomen was the BEST NEWS EVER!!
There is absolutely no sign on the X-ray of a Rudimentary Horn or right-hand side of my uterus that we can see, I think the next pelvic MRI I have may look more into that, heres hoping otherwise I could be looking at a laparoscopic investigation or hysteroscopy (http://www.oxfordclinic.co.nz/procedure-treatment/hysteroscopy) not keen on the idea of either of those.
So let's see what the specialist says, i'm feeling really happy with the news, I had psyched myself up for the bad news, so feeling very relieved as there is a really good chance we could conceive naturally, still early days, but some positive news.. Yay for me!!
Will post again when I get my MRI appointment.
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