Sunday, 28 May 2023

Peritoneal Inclusion Cysts & Liver MRIs??

Just when you thought things could not get any weirder then came the cyst.

Its pretty common for every scan I have to find something else and its pretty common for anyone of my age group to have random finds on their scans, but when one follows another and they become known, then we have to make decisions and deal with things.

So, there is a cystic type structure adjacent and just behind my liver which appears to be a benign cyst but they are not entirely sure. Its gradually growing in size, only a bout 2-3mm in 3 months but that is enough to be curious about what it is and why its there. They believe its a Peritoneal inclusion cyst either caused my my Endometriosis, my previously existing Ectopic Ovary or scar tissue from my surgery.

Who would of though removing what could turn into something sinister would cause something that might turn into something sinister.

So Im off for a Liver MRI with contrast on Tuesday coming to find out if we can get to it or its staying put. While the thought of someone pushing my liver around to disect and drain my cyst and then hoping for the best scares the crap out of me I now know thats the reason for some of my rib and back pain after pushing on it sent me into a tail-spin. I wonder what else they will find on this adventure?

Watch this space for the next installment....

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