Tuesday, 6 September 2016

OB/GYN again

So today was the OB/GYN followup visit, one week since I met with my NEW OB/GYN. How many does a girl need? this is my 4th haha.

He was looking forward to our appointment, turns out he has been thinking of my case and hes been talking a bit to colleagues about it. My stray ovary still seems to fascinate him and he was quick to tell me again today that once I have children he is taking it out. Its not staying in there he told me. Not looking forward to that surgery!

Turns out my NEW OB/GYN Fert. had not been in to see him, she mustn't of had time so he quickly scanned her notes and then we had a chat and DH and I filled him in. My real reason for seeing him today was to see if I needed to revisit a Lap for my Endo and we quickly go back onto the subject of pain. Where/when do you have pain currently.... so just the usual.

We talked about my NEW pain since seeing him last and he agrees with my new specialist that it would be very unlikely Endo would come back with vengeance in a two year period, possibility it could have been stimulated by my hormone treatments but again very unlikely. He popped me up on the bed to check out my abdomen and it turns out the the pain I mentioned then was not related to the tissue in my abdomen but more so the bone. Yup, knew it. He got me to stand up, checked my shoulders, made me sit down and checked soles of my feet. You have curvature in your spine and you're lopsided he proceeded to tell me. Something DH has been telling me for some time. He ha now suggested that I go and see his Osteopath whom happens to specialise in pregnancy as well (lucky me). He said she will refer me again if she thinks is a Chiropractic matter. He thinks my other abdominal pain could be related. Once that pain is under control we will have more of an idea of where my Endo is at and probably try medication over surgery. We will see. 

So outcomes from today? Im now officially handed over to NEW Fertility specialist as she also is a Lap surgeon specialising in Endo. I will only go back to my other OB/GYN for the ovary removal i'd say. I'm a case he wants to continue to follow. He is seeing my NEW specialist at a meeting tonight so they will chat and he'll pass on all my photos to her.

I'm phoning tomorrow to book Osteo appt #1 and following that a Colorectal Surgeon follow up appt. Im sure it doesnt matter which way round I do those. Just need to get onto it, especially while I still have a job and health insurance! 

Update after next appointment.

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