Saturday 13 April 2024

Avoidant / Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

The report from my gastroenterologist came in, as you know, I get copies of all my reports so I am well informed before a follow-up or any additional conversations I have with my referrals as I've spent the better part of 10-12 years being referred from one specialist to the next.

There was one part that stuck out to me. After our conversation at the clinic about what I was and had eaten during the year, what my dietician and I came up with as a plan, he was shocked to hear I was on next to no solid food and relying heavily on the E028 nutrition. The conversation then turned to my restricting and any problems it is causing me and might cause in the future. "I feel better when I don't eat" was not something he was expecting. I have reduced pain, better sleep, more energy, less fatigue and reduced IMO/GERD symptoms. There it was written into the report, could it be ARFID? Wow, someone finally said it, could it be an eating disorder? I prefer the term disordered eating to be honest. It was time to start the discussion I suppose, but of course I was reluctant to admit that I might have a DSM-5 Mental Health condition that was causing my symptoms?? Something functional he called it. After much research he was possibly right? How could that be? 

This topic may feature quite heavily in the next few posts, so here is a quick rundown of what ARFID is and how its diagnosed.

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