My GP and I were slightly perplexed as to why eating is such an issue for me at present. It causes me a great deal of discomfort and fatigue, but we are running out of things to explore for answers. I was referred back to my Gastro for further investigations. Part of my EDS diagnosis was to both get an understanding how long term it would affect all of my connective tissues and stroma, so it was key to find out if swallowing had any muscular dysfunction attached.
There were 3 options, barium swallow, manometry or Acid ph testing.
He said while the barium swallow may not give us much, it would give an indication if further tests were needed.
My gastro ran a basic allergy panel to check for sure if I was allergic to any of the classics like dairy, wheat, egg, fish, shellfish, nuts. All came back normal, so much for the wheat and dairy free testing back in 2006. That started a long journey of trial and error which ended up at FODMAPS, which is where the the restricting began. Go figure.
To be honest the barium swallow x-ray was probably my second worse test to date. The Barium is really thick and gritty and causes instant reflux. The whole test did not take long and I was able to get instant answers from the doctor who performed it. The clincher was whether or not I could swallow the marshmallow after only a few bites. Who knew my fate would come down to a marshmallow. Success! Was happy to hear it all went well and there are no issues with my oesophagus musculature or swallowing.
Results went back to my GP and Gastro. The wait for a reply began.
Meanwhile I had decided to stick to my liquid diet and try to add a few more options to it, little did I know that would be my undoing.
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