Monday 18 May 2015

Drug collection, Sperm Analysis and GP visit

Collected my drugs from Clinic on Thu 7.05.15. Was a quick visit with just me this time. As im on cycle #2 and exact same drug regime it was really just a quick catchup to make sure i didnt have any questions for them.

I had a new nurse this time, she was over from the public hospital so we hadnt met yet. We went over the details left on my file and confirmed a few details of how his cycle will go, i remembered everything from last time so that made the appointment really easy for her and quick for me.

I only really had a few questions about when to book in IMSI and whether we needed to add PICSI to that and she had to duck out to ask the other nurses. We decided that decisions would be made once DHs sample results were in, he was due to do that following day Fri 8.05.15 so results would be back before i started stimming. She wrote a note on my file to call with the resuts as soon as they came in. 

Fri afternoon heard from the lab, results were no worse or no better than our last cycle, which wasnt what we had hoped for but it is what we were prepared for. DH still continues to take the Menevit as there is no harm in it, we just know its not really going to make much of a difference really.

My fertility specialist would ultimately be making the call re IMSI so we will wait for her to decide.

In the meantime im still quitely stressing about my lack of prenatal vitamin consumption so I decided to book a GP appt to get her opinion. DH and I decided to do a double appt as she is both of our doctors. She decided to test what she could so did my thyroid, b12, iron and few others.  DH will be getting a full checkup at some point re the heart disease in his family so she ran some for him too, cholesterol and few others.

Results i will update with later as still havent called to get them.

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