No amount of preparing myself would of prepared me for that week. CD1 arrived Friday 15.05 the day after we said goodbye to my cousin and before a weekend of preparation for her memorial service on the Sunday. I spent the morning organising a few things for her memorial table then went to Mums to help out and spend time with family. My nephew also was admitted to hospital Friday night, he was very unwell and we were up till 3am making sure he was ok as DH stayed up at the hospital with him while I stayed home and worried. Saturday 16.05 CD2 was first day of stim injections which to be honest I cant really remember that well as that day was a blur, lucky I was on the same dose of Puregon (175iu), its like riding a bike, once you know how its easy. Took them same time as last cycle which is 9.30pm which gave me plenty of time to get home as stayed for tea at my Mums. Sunday was a rough day for everyone so by the time Sunday night CD3 injections came around I was quite exhausted, mentally and emotionally drained. I had work to look forward to the following day and hoped that i would have a easy week at work, however that wasnt the case, anything that could go wrong seemed to go wrong so I found myself counting down the days and injections till scan day. Needed something positive to happen now this week, some good news.
I started my Orgalutran on Wednesday 20.05 and first scan was booked for Friday 22.05. We were early for blood test which was great as we missed the 8am rush, so therefore was early to scan. DH always seems to remember to pre warn the new specialists that havent seen me before to start on left ovary and not bother searching for the right, thats why i like taking him to all my scans, I assume they have time to read notes. She started on my left internally which was a pretty disappointing result really with only 2-3 leading follicles at only 8-11mms, the rest were still really small. Straight away we assumed it was my right leading the charge this cycle which it did quite a few times on my Clomid cycles. Yes, i knew it, there was at least 2-3 lead follicles there this time at 12-14mm. Damn it. The rest might not catch up in time. She decided to up my dose of Puregon to 225iu for 3 more days to try and grow the follicles some more with 3 more Orgalutran injections to stop me from ovulating and booked another scan for Monday 25.05 and see what would happen then.
I did finally get some positive news same day later that night from the nurse at my GP. My results had come back and levels we looking great. B12 good, TSH good, folate, iron, red blood cells all good, i did however have a lower than normal white blood cell count, not too much of an issue apparently as may be caused by my thyroid meds, better than a raised level tho as means im infection free. Finally some good news.
DH went and had a lovely dinner with my Dad and had a few laughs, nice end to an otherwise crappy week.
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