Friday, 29 May 2015

Post cycle injections and hitting 60 kgs!

So this week has been long and busy which is good as it has kept my mind off our cancelled cycle andwhat's  happening in my body right now. Its Queens Birthday weekend here in NZ so losing a day next week as we have Monday off unfortunately for me means cramming one day of work into the week prior. 

Monday 25.05 after the scan I was sent home with more Orgalutran to take through until my next bloods on Thursday 28.05 to stop my follicles from releasing or ovulating. The didnt do that last time due to needing to proceed with a fresh transfer and I was In a considerable amount of pain. I think it was nice they offered to do that but its not my favourite injection as the needle is quite big, my Puregon injections were with micro fine needles.

Thursday came and I was running late! School and work traffic makes it hard to get across several suburbs to the clinic from my house. I just made it to blood centre near my my clinic in time to get morning bloods drawn, if they make it on the 8.30am courier you get results same day. 

To be honest Thursdays are my busiest days without having a whole extra days work in there so I had forgotten that I would be expecting a must of been 5.30pm when I got a call from one of my nurses, i was stuck on an urgent work call to Nelson when my cell rang so had a phone in each ear. My FS had requested 3 more days of Orgalutran as my Estrogen levels were still too high. Damn it! Clinic was closing in 10 mins and no way for me to make it in time, so my lovely Nurse offered to put the needles in her letterbox at her home which was just down road from the clinic. So nice! I was able to finish up work and drive over to her place to get them and still do my injection at 9.30pm as normal.

Finally ive made it to the weekend. I slept in this morning as I havent realised past couple of days what my body is actually doing. I'm swollen, ive put on about 1 1/2 kgs this week im thinking fluid (hoping wasnt the large pizza i had to myself last night) and bowels which also arent working to well, im putting it down to the hormones and the fact AF is due next week. Ive hit 60 kgs this morning which i thinks pretty good considering. That puts my BMI well and truely where they want it. Its taken me 2 1/2 years to get here as Christmas 2012 i think is when I was at my lowest weight at around 49kgs. Hope it stays on, must admit i dont feel comfortable at this weight but willing to keep it on for fertility reasons. I have to go through a whole cycle before talking to my clinic again to get meds out of my system so will keep an eye on it. 

This weekend its time to get my head straight as ive thrown myself a little pity party this week.. it's maybe happened this way for a reason? With all thats gone on past few weeks and this week being so chaotic could I have made it through to an egg collection and transfer?? I just keep telling myself that...that its not our turn yet for a reason.

I will be looking into my surgery options for our next cycle and hopefully book time with my specialist to talk it through with her in the next few weeks.

In the meantime i need to get fit and eat healthy, get rest, all of the things i havent been so great at this month and wait... yes... more waiting.

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