Sunday 1 March 2015

TTC - ICSI cycle #1 - CD19

Feeling much better today, think my body is finally getting used to the extra progestone and estrogen they are pumpimg me full of. DH wakes me up every morning to take my pills & pessaries then i go back to sleep for a few more hours. Ive ben waking in the night, which is unlike me, so good to get that extra sleep.

Feeling hungrier today which is great as didnt yesterday and started to lose a little bit of weight. Im concious of eating more and all my food groups as not taking vitamin supplements just yet. All ive been doing today is munching and seem to have a daily hankering for cheese and crackers.

Today am 6dpo (days past ovulation or retreival) or 3dp3dt ( days past transfer). Wee Emby1 will hopefully be between a Morula and Blastocyst at the moment, still few days off implantation so have been continuing to take it easy. They say to carry on normal daily activites but its just so hard not to do too much. Managed a few little jobs today, Im bloody exhausted and saving my energy for my trip out tomorrow.   

So only 3 days into my 2WW, only 9 days to go. I have a lot on come end of the week, im sure ill be kept busy enough and that time will fly by! 

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