Friday, 27 February 2015

TTC - ICSI cycle #1 - CD17 - Embryo Transfer Day

This morning I was a lot more relaxed than I think I was on retreival day.  It was an early morning for us tho as I had to get up early to take my Thyroid meds, then my Progynova, then my pessaries then decided to go back to bed as was still only 7.30am. DH and I got ready to go and had a bit of time to spare, i feel alot calmer when I dont have to rush.

We made it to the clinic with heaps of time to spare but wasn't waiting long, which is good as my bladder was bursting, I overdid it like last time. He took us through to get changed into a gown, I wore my lucky kittie socks that I wore for my retreival, they always get a chuckle from the nurses. Nurse then took us down to the wee room that I had my trial-transfer in. Nurse went through few details about when we would be doing first pregnancy test, whats meds to carry on with, looks like the Progynova will be until 13 weeks possibly. Then we met Paula the Embryologist. She confirmed where our two Embys were at and that we had one ready to transfer today....Phew!

Meet Emby1. We were totally stoked to see it had made it to 8 cells this morning. Emby2 still hasnt made it to 8 yet so we will wait to see if it makes it to Blastocyst stage and if so it will get frozen after Tuesday next week.

After an incredibly quick procedure my RE asked the Embryogist to confirm the catheter was empty and it made it in... Thumbs up and we were done! Whole procedure only took about 15 minutes.
So that little clump of cells is now hopefully nestling its way into my uterus, its a bit unsettling getting straight up, getting dressed, going to the toilet and walking out of the clinic to the car but they say to resume normal activities. I think i might wait till tomorrow tho, DH going to take me for a wee walk in the park.

So im at this stage PUPO as the IVF girls say, pregnant until proven otherwise. I have officially entered the 2WW (2 week wait). My first pregnancy blood test is Wednesday 11.03.15 thats if my period doesnt turn up before then. I will definitely know either way by my 35 birthday. Lets hope I get an awesome birthday pressie this year.

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