Saturday, 21 February 2015

TTC - ICSI cycle #1 - CD11

After a whopping 10 hours sleep im feeling slightly more human today. Woke up very sore and thirsty so it took me a while to get up but great not to have to rush today, skyped my brother, sister and nephews in my pjs, i think i was finally showered by midday.

DH has woken with sore throat and bit miserable today so thats unfortunate. Hoping he rests up and doesnt get worse as he has work, his university lectures start back tomorrow and we have a big week of tests and procedures. It's game time hopefully!

Did a short trip out to the library, popped in to see my Dad, had lunch out, so good to get out of the house for a bit, back home on couch now for hopefully a bit of reading and online shopping. Im starting to sort the budget for baby-stuff but its also hard as you dont want to buy anything, or get too ahead of yourself as its only going to make it harder if we are not successful, gotta have a plan tho right? Being organised helps me relax.

Follicle scan day tomorrow! Super excited to see what they've been up to since last Thursday, my wee bunches of grapes DH calls them, will be cool for him to be at scan tomorrow, I went to most of my Clomiphene scans on my own. 

Hopefully doing some of my last stim injections tonight and we can trigger soon. Find out tomorrow. I dont mind doing them, just be good to stop them, 10 puregon and 6 orgalutran done to date.

Will post again tomorrow with the results. Eeeeek! Nervous much?

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