Egg Collection day!!! it was finally here.
We were very lucky to get to this point again I think. Trigger on Wednesday went really well on after fourth lot of bloods that week to confirm my hormone levels were where they needed to be. Was glad for that to be my last blood test for a while after two nurses on Wednesday morning butchered my vein, but no, another blood test required for Thursday to confirm trigger worked. Maybe this one will be my last.
My nurse said she would only call on Thursday if the trigger didn't work so when i didn't hear from her by 5.00pm Thursday, I was relieved. I knew we were ready though as I was now starting to get very unconformable, especially on my right side as that ovary is way closer to the skin and gets squished up when i bend over.
We had to be at our Fertility clinic early again, 9.30am, not as early as last time so that was good. We arrived at 9.00am-ish as DH had decided to do his part at home this time which was heaps nicer for him, we wrapped it up in a merino sock and tried to keep it as warm as we could on the way there. The Men's Room at the clinic is right next to the lab and says it's sound proof but you can hear all the lab staff talking through the wall, plus it's like a little sick bay area with a crackly radio and a draw full of magazines which you wouldn't wanna touch really haha.
We still were waiting at 9.30am as they were running behind so really werent taken until 10.00am. One of the nurses came and got us and took us to what i call the holding bay to do blood pressure, give me my sleepy meds, get me gowned up and warm my hands up ready for the doctor to put my line in. They only gave me half a tablet this time so I was loads more awake and making more sense DH said. It was nice for him to wait with me this time as last time he was off doing his thing. He helped me get changed and put my clothes away for me and put on my lucky socks.
Once my line was in they walked me down to the collection room where there was one nurse and two embryologist team ready waiting. The specialist started by scanning to have a look and noticed there was still sizeable blood vessel sitting in-front of my left ovary which was there on my original scan earlier in the week, they were wanting to be very careful so they didn't puncture it as that would have caused them a few issues. She then proceed to clean the area internally with a piece of gauze, that was hideously painful and that is when she realised the assisting nurse hadn't given me my pain relief yet. She quickly injected that into my arm which worked straight away and I was all of a sudden woozy. She said if I wanted more just to let her know. I think that was plenty. My bladder had somehow filled quite quickly again after trying to go two times prior to the procedure (i think that is the meds) so she quickly had to empty that with a catheter before we could proceed. Thank goodness i was drugged for that part. Also not very comfortable.
The draining of my follicles was the painless and easy part once she administered a local anaesthetic beforehand, I could watch on the screen as I was more awake this time so that was really cool. I don't know how she could make out what was what but she did and the embryologist kept letting us know how many had been collected... 1...2...6... and finally 9 eggs! Brilliant news, that meant all 9 of my follicles were drained successfully. Right all done, was all done very quickly. I was checked to make sure my blood vessel hadnt been compromised and then was popped in a wheelchair and wheeled into the tiny little ward room that they have to wake up properly.
I was soo comfortable sitting in that lazy-boy with a little duvet and a hot water bottle that I didn't want to leave! It was a cold morning My blood pressure was taken again and looked fine, I was them given another shot in my stomach as I had used a Bureslin trigger shot, I had that last time too. Then I was given a hot drink and muffin as they like to know you are ok to eat and drink before you go. I was very awake which meant I could get dressed and leave earlier than expected but did use that time to text everyone and let them know the results. We were off home by midday and Fraser went off to work while I relaxed on the couch. I was very crampy for the rest of that day and ended up taking more panadol and crashing on the couch early that night.
Now the wait is on! we don't find out the results till the following day....