Sunday 16 August 2015

TTC - IMSI cycle #2 (IVF cycle #3) - CD11

Today was follow up follicle scan. There was good news and not so good news.

Good news is that I still have 9 follicles on my left which seem to have progressed. Largest at 17mm, smallest is about 12 mm which i think is still ok to collect from. 2 more days of Gonal F & Orgalutran injections then Blood test Wed to confirm time for trigger that night. Egg Collection booked for Friday!

Not so good news is from what they can see the right is under performing with only one decent sized follicle at 20mm. It's a pain as i think there is more there we just can't see it so surgery wont be going ahead. I was hoping for quantity again for this cycle.

Reality is that I could still end up with good quality eggs and all could fertilise this time. It only takes one good one and for one to stick. I have heard miracle stories through my support group and really believe it's time something fantastic happened for us, would be the best 10th wedding anniversary present for us next year.

Why do I not have more faith, hope and positivity this time round? is it because i prepare myself well for bad news?

Got to just get to and through Friday first then we shall see. Deep breath.

Next update will be CD13.

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