Monday 31 August 2015

2WW - 8dpt - Deja Vu

And then there was ONE. This situation seems a little familiar.

So took the day off today to help my Dad out with transport to a hospital appt. An afternoon at home staring at an envelope I was too scared to open without DH was not a great idea.

I talked to my support group and they suggested waiting till BETA day... nope, want to be able to digest the news, however bad, in small pieces thanks.

So news today neither Hope or Chance made it. No frosties. No second or third transfer. This is it. It all comes down to Precious sticking.

We are feeling a range of emotions today. Trying very hard to stay positive for BETA on Friday. Think its time to look at the budget and start planning/saving for a possible 4th cycle. Maybe. Dunno.

3 more sleeps. Then we will decide. Maybe we just weren't suppose to be parents. Don't know why, we'd make pretty great ones.

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