Thursday 13 August 2015

TTC - IMSI cycle #2 (IVF cycle #3) - CD8

Scan day! Went on my own today as DH still crook. Hes on antibiotics now so should be right by collection next week. It wasn't right for him to be bringing germs to the clinic.

Was nice and early for bloodtest and scan appt so nice not to be rushing. Im exhausted today, cant stop yawning. Just wish i could get to bed early. It never happens tho.

Saw another specialist today as mine doesnt work Fridays. She started my trying to find right ovary and i reminded her she wouldn't and straight away she said "ive scanned you before havent I".

Left ovary was very visible today with at least 9 decent size follicles which is great news,  last month I only had a few by that stage. Measuring in at largest few 12 mm there's a good chance theyll grow well through to Monday for second scan. Right ovary is lagging behind with only 4 that she could see. Still largest at 10-12 so thats good. Problem is it was hiding behind my bowels. I think there is a few more hiding there. Ill get them to have a good look Monday. I REALLY want laprascopic retrieval this time round. I need all the eggs i can get. Grow follies grow!

Three more days of Gonal F and Orgalutran and then back for scan two. They will decide then if we're ready, day for trigger and confirm collection day. If we track ok it will be one week from now.
Will update again once test results received.

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