Stimming has been going really well this time around. Ive made more time to relax pre-injections and the Gonal F pen is way easier to use than the puregon. Same drug different drug company. The clinic switched just after my cancelled cycle.
Feeling very tired this time around, bit headachy too. Had two blood tests already this cycle. One to confirm baseline and was due for full blood screen again as last one was a year ago, the other was today as my TSH was up so they tested my T3, T4 and TSH again. Nurse text tonight to say all fine and my thyroxine dose can stay as is. Thank god for that as cant afford to lose any more weight, sitting at 58 kgs again which is optimal for this cycle. Trying to get more than exercise this cycle but with cold weather and feeling so tired its hard.
Started my Orgalutran injections tonight so another tomorrow then off for a scan Friday morning to check on these follicles. Please let there be enough to proceed. The more on the right ovary the better as that means well collect from both this time. Dont care how uncomfortable it makes me!
Really hoping DHs doctors appt tomorrow goes ok. Hes been unwell all week which is just typical as was sick for our first cycle too. He went to after-hours on weekend and they said just a virus but his wheezing sounds worse. Need him in tip top shape this time next week.
Will update again post scan wirh some good news hopefully
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