Saturday, 22 August 2015

TTC - IMSI cycle #2 (IVF cycle #3) - CD16 - How many made it?

We woke very early as I didn't want to be half asleep when we got the call from the clinic.

I had breakfast and mooched around in my pjs waiting for the phone to ring... they were actually very punctual and phoned when they said they would, shortly after 9.00am.

Out of the 9 eggs we collected 8 were mature which is fantastic and out of those the finally tally for fertilisation was.... 3 Embryos! 

We were ecstatic as that could have very easily been none... we were thankful that obviously the IMSI had worked better this time and that we had a better result, one more than last time!

We are unsure of the quality at this stage but the embryologist sounded very happy with the result so they must be doing better than last time. We are now booked for a Day 3 Transfer again as you have to have 4+ embryos to have a 5 Day transfer. I'm excited to get one on board the mother-ship and see how the other two progress. I would love to have asked for two back but that is too risky with my uterus and we have a small chance of one splitting let alone two and I don't have the room for 4 in there! and it does happen... check out this blog The Quad Squad.

So Monday morning we will be transferring Precious back in... that will be the one that will be most ready... then Hope and Chance will have to wait and see how they progress over the coming days, will get a photo of them all and post on Monday.

Looking forward to it even though inside I'm terrified of the outcome. One day at a time right.

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